RIO Toothy Critter Ii 7.5' Stainless Wire Leader reviews and deals for sale

If you’re on the prowl for a barracuda or a similarly toothy target, you need to ensure they won’t just bite through the line and swim away with your fly. With the RIO Toothy Critter Li 7.5’ Stainless Wire With Snap, their teeth will be unable to slice through the shock tippet, so you can pull in your prize. This version includes a snap link connecting the wire tippet to the ultra-stiff nylon leader.
out of 10
1 Positive, 0 Mixed & 0 Negative
from 1 Review
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Product Specifications

Brand RIO
Category Leaders
Material [leader] nylon, [tippet] steel wire
Overall Length 7.5ft
Test [20lb] 20lb, [30lb] 30lb
Leader Type saltwater
Leader Style tapered
Recommended Use saltwater fishing

RIO Toothy Critter Ii 7.5' Stainless Wire Leader Reviews

Jason Olden
March 12, 2019

more info to come later

still testing

RIO Toothy Critter Ii 7.5' Stainless Wire Leader Questions and Answers

Asked by Alexa Shaw 11 years ago

Are you getting any more of these in? I... Are you getting any more of these in? I need to buy more!

RIO Toothy Critter Ii 7.5' Stainless Wire Leader Price History

No price history yet.