RIO Powerflex Tippet - 3-Pack reviews and deals for sale

What fly you're fishing, the flow of the river, and the size of fish you're targeting all determine what size of tippet you should be using, so be ready to make adjustments to your presentation with the Rio Powerflex Tippet 3-Pack. These 3-packs are sold in three different sets with sizes ranging from 0X to 2X, 3X to 5X, and 4X to 6X, so your tippet tender will be fully loaded and ready to tie on everything from heavily-weighted double monkey butt streamers to tiny gnats.

out of 10
13 Positive, 0 Mixed & 0 Negative
from 13 Reviews
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Product Specifications

Brand RIO
Category Leaders
Material nylon
Overall Length 30 yards
Size 0 X 1 X, 2 X 3 X, 4 X 5 X, 6 X
Test [0X] 15 lb, [1X] 13 lb, [2X] 10 lb, [3X] 8.2 lb, [4X] 6.4 lb, [5X] 5 lb, [6X] 3 lb
Diameter [0X] 0.011 in, [1X] 0.010 in, [2X] 0.009 in, [3X] 0.008 in, [4X] 0.007 in, [5X] 0.006 in, [6X] 0.005 in
Recommended Use fly fishing

RIO Powerflex Tippet - 3-Pack Reviews

Joe Guttenplan
September 30, 2018

Great Tippet

Great tippet that is super dependable. Must have for your kit!

Jesse Ramirez
June 20, 2018

Solid pack!

Love this 3 pack. Its a bit cheaper than having to buy them individually which is awesome. It knots very well and fools fish what more can you ask for.

Eli Harrison
April 16, 2018

Let Me Tell You About This Tippet..

Im new to fly fishing, so i cant offer much insight. BUT, if Chris Ringel (below) says it works.. THEN IT WORKS. He knows his stuff when it comes to fishing, and he is who told me to snag this. Hopefully I catch more than beers on the river...

Chris Ringel
December 4, 2017

It Works

Strong and light. Works great for dry rigs.

Dan Be
November 8, 2017

The Hidden Link

Rio makes excellent products and their tippet is my favorite. This combination pack is perfect for most of the fishing I do here in Utah. This line is strong, durable, and will ensure you land the next hog you have on the line.

Emory Mullis
November 7, 2017

My Favorite

This is my go to tippet and it saves you a little money when you buy it in the 3 pack. Strong and holds knots really well.

July 5, 2017

Ole Reliable

Can't beat the value and these work great. Convenient to buy in the pack.

Brandon Orloski
June 11, 2017


There is tippet, and then there is Rio tippet. I have used RIO Powerflex Tippet from the start and it has never failed me. Very supple feel. Highly recommended. If you have any questions hit me at 801-523-4075 or email me at

June 11, 2017


I've been using this stuff since day 1. Can't really go wrong.

May 25, 2017

Stick With Rio

I have been using Rio backing, line, leader and tippet since I started fishing when I was in college. They have yet to disappoint! Along with the subtle flex tippet (RIO as well) the powerflex is a perfect tippet choice for your dry fly presentations. Out here in UT I typically fish most with 5 and 6x, so I'd recommend picking up 3-5x and 4-6x. Holler if you have any questions read more on this tippet or anything else fly fishing related.

Emory Mullis
January 21, 2017

solid tippet

I love Rio products and their tippet is no exception. Been using it for years now and have no complaints.

Jesse Ramirez
August 6, 2016

Can't go wrong

Love this 3 pack. Its a bit cheaper than having to buy them individually which is awesome. It gets the job done and knots very well.

Alex Bass
July 5, 2016


they stack together, which makes for easy organization in my pack.

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