R.L. Winston Rod Co. Pure Fly Rod - 4 Piece reviews and deals for sale

Trout can be picky, so the R.L. Winston Pure Fly Rod is designed to optimize the presentation for smaller nymphs and dries. Its True Winston progressive action delivers flies with the power to turn over air-resistant dries and with the delicacy to place them without spooking the fish. Its taper protects your tippet when you get a hit, and Boron III technology in the lower section of the rod adds power to the base to help you fight effectively.

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Product Specifications

Brand R.L. Winston Rod Co.
Category Single Handed Fly Rods
Length [2wt] 7ft, ,[3wt] 6ft 6in, 7ft, 7ft 6in, [4wt] 5ft 9in, 7ft 6in, 8ft, 8ft 6in, 9ft, [5wt] 9ft
Action True Winston Progressive (medium)
Handle cigar
Reel Seats nickel silver, maple
Pieces 4
Recommended Use river fishing, stillwater fishing

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