Orvis Clearwater Fly Rod - 6-Piece reviews and deals for sale

You never know when you’ll get a few hours to fish some nearby water, so be sure to keep the Orvis Clearwater 6-piece Fly Rod close at hand. This travel-friendly rod is a great option for more experienced anglers who frequently travel or beginners seeking a compact, versatile fly rod they can take backpacking or hone their skills with on local rivers. Its medium-fast action gives the rod a moderately fast casting tempo that will get the job done whether you’re casting delicate dry fly patterns or large streamers—depending on the weight you select, of course.

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Product Specifications

Brand Orvis
Category Single Handed Fly Rods
Length 8ft, 8ft 6in, 9ft
Action medium-fast
Rod Weight [8ft] 4wt, [8ft 6in] 5wt, [9ft] 5wt, 6wt, 8wt
Handle full wells
Pieces 6
Recommended Use river fishing, stillwater fishing
Manufacturer Warranty lifetime

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