Montana Fly Company Zonker - 12-Pack reviews and deals for sale

As you move the Montana Fly Company Zonker through the water, watch as fish notice its movement and start to investigate. This large streamer attracts larger species of fish—and maybe some smaller ones that can't quite bite it—giving you the opportunity to catch a new personal record. It comes in a pack of 12, so even if one of those monsters breaks off your line, you'll have plenty in store so you can get back at it.
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Product Specifications

Brand Montana Fly Company
Category Streamers
Type streamer
Size 6, 8
Recommended Use river fishing, stillwater fishing

Montana Fly Company Zonker - 12-Pack Questions and Answers

Asked by john 3 years ago

Is it possible to use it as an outlayer having a patagonia Down Sweater Hooded Jacket as a midlayer? should I go one size up? Hope you can help me, thanks.

Montana Fly Company Zonker - 12-Pack Price History

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