Bauer Reels RX Fly Reel reviews and deals for sale

Add the Bauer RX Fly Reel to your setup, and enjoy the sleek, strong, and subtle difference a reel of this caliber can make. The smaller end of the RX can handle anything down to smaller streams and rivers, while the upper end of the spectrum can subdue tarpon and other strong fighters. The drag system features carbon fiber construction that provides exceptional stopping power for its weight. The contemporary aesthetic uses a contrasting hub to offset the look of the polished, handcrafted frame.
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Product Specifications

Brand Bauer Reels
Category Reels
Material machined aluminum
Backing Capacity [4/5/6wt] WF5 + 100yd, [5/6/7wt] WF6 + 135yd, [7/8/9wt] WF8 + 225yd, [9/10/11wt] WF10 + 350yd
Diameter [4/5/6wt] 3.25in, [5/6/7wt] 3.5in, [7/8/9wt] 4in, [9/10/11wt] 4.25in
Claimed Weight [4/5/6wt] 3.8oz, [5/6/7wt] 4.2oz, [7/8/9wt] 7.8oz, [9/10/11wt] 8.6oz
Recommended Use freshwater fishing, saltwater fishing
Manufacturer Warranty limited lifetime

Bauer Reels RX Fly Reel Questions and Answers

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