Airflo Kelly Galloup's All-Purpose Taper Streamer Float Fly Line reviews and deals for sale

You’ve had that massive fly in your fly box for a while now, but have never had the guts to cast it. Tie that monster on to the Airflo All-Purpose Streamer Taper by Kelly Galloup and get it on the water. The aggressive taper makes even heavy, wind-resistant flies turn over even when you have quite a bit of line out, and the ridged coating reduces the surface area that touches the rod rings so the line can flow in and out smoothly. The Power Core ensures accurate transferal of motion by reducing line stretch so the line moves as you do, helping you to set the hook even at a distance.
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Product Specifications

Brand Airflo
Category Fly Line
Material [core] Power Core, [coating] SuperDri Ridged
Overall Length 90ft
Fly Line Style floating
Taper Design high-energy tip
Front Taper 4.5ft
Belly 24ft
Rear Taper 10ft
Running Line 51.5ft
Recommended Use fly fishing

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