GU Liquid Energy - 12-Pack reviews and deals for sale

out of 10
1 Positive, 0 Mixed & 0 Negative
from 1 Review
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Product Specifications

Brand GU
Category Gels
Calories 100
Servings Per Container 1
Recommended Use recovery
Manufacturer Warranty limited

GU Liquid Energy - 12-Pack Reviews

Zach Branson
August 12, 2020

Favorite hot weather nutrition

I use a lot of nutrition products and have found that the only time I have real issues is during hot weather. I am more sensitive to taste and texture which can prevent me from using the correct amount of nutrition to keep me going. I have found that the texture and taste of GU's liquid gels has really filled this gap where I have had the miss and is now a key a key part of my nutrition read more program.

GU Liquid Energy - 12-Pack Questions and Answers

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GU Liquid Energy - 12-Pack Price History

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